Side Hustle Scorecard (Week of March 27 - April 1, 2023)

Side Hustle Scorecard (Week of March 27 - April 1, 2023)

I managed to cram a lot of activities into this week by flying down to Columbus, Georgia for the 2023 Creative South conference. What an exhilarating and inspiring time I had!

But before I could head down to play, I still had to get some work done. So without further ado, here is my list of side-hustle accomplishments for last week.

Before leaving for the conference, I:

  • Finalized and posted a long-form video of my “Precipice of Corruption” black velvet painting; and

  • Ordered some new paper stock for my 4x6 prints as I wasn’t all that happy with what I had on-hand.

While at the conference, I:

  • Met up with old friends, including my roomie Anton Duong, who printed the “All Hat No Cattle” stickers I had designed to hand out at the event;

  • Made new friends;

  • Got a lead on appearing on a YouTube livestream for creators (details TBD);

  • Got inspired by the vibe, creativity and, quite honestly, aesthetic of the many Gen Z artists in attendance;

  • Was told that my “All Hat No Cattle” sticker was someone’s favorite of all the stickers they’d received; and

  • Took mad notes about an eventual presentation on the logical fallacies of the movie “Signs.” It will happen soon!

That’s it!

What a whirlwind of a week.

I am one tired little monkey.

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