Don’t Tell My Wife! (Weekly Side Hustle Scorecard — May 8-14, 2023)
Well, another week has come and gone since that dreaded C-roona invaded our happy home.
I finally tested negative after a 10-day quarantine and all of my symptoms have scampered off aside from a nagging dry cough. It’s pretty much the same as my usual winter cough which, ironically, I haven’t been saddled with since we all started masking and avoiding the unwashed public 3+ years ago. It’s dry, unproductive, and very annoying.
Like your least-favorite co-worker. You know the one.
My home remedy for banishing my usual annoying-ass cough is to drink hot water infused with a bee’s colon-load of honey and a madman’s helping of cayenne powder. I’ll give the concoction one more week before I break down and try to get a Z-pac from my doctor.
But overallI have just been BEAT this week. My energy levels have been those of a dried-up dog turd. I daresay I’ve been more exhausted than when I was actively fighting the virus.
Despite all of that…
I did manage to move the creative side hustle ball a little.
This week, I_
Added 9 pieces of original art to my online store;
Added a code for free shipping on orders over $50; and
Began the LABORIOUS but very necessary process of switching from Squarespace to Shopify.
While making the migration, the automated app I chose made it look 100% like it had double-charged one of my friends for a previous order.
After a panicked flurry of emails, texts, and FB messages, it looks like it was just an illusion and her PayPal account was not hit a second time. Whew.
Other than that minor hiccup, the automation saved me a lot of time transferring my purchase history, mailing list, product catalog, and blogs over to the new hosting provider.
Now begins the un-fun process of making it all look purty. That will take a couple of months.
If you’d like to be notified when the fancy new site is up and running on all 8 cylinders, why not hop on my mailing list? I’m sure I’ll chuck out some special freebie to celebrate!