Rising From the Ashes of Phoenix Con (Artist Accountability Vlog for July 16, 2023)

Rising From the Ashes of Phoenix Con (Artist Accountability Vlog for July 16, 2023)

Leading up to filming this check-in (July 16, 2023) I prepared for my first time vending in the artist alley at a small local gaming convention.

Although foot traffic (and therefore sales) were really, really dismal, I managed to:

  • Be reminded that my art isn't for everyone, and that's OK;
  • Have someone tell me they follow me on Tik Tok, which was definitely a first; art
  • Successfully test out a new booth lay out and learn what to do (and what not to do) when showing your art at an artist alley.

👇 View my short video check-in below👇 

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