Brand New Website! (Artist Accountability Vlog for Sept. 3, 2023)

Brand New Website! (Artist Accountability Vlog for Sept. 3, 2023)

BIG BIG WIN for the week leading up to Sept. 3, 2023:


I spent several weeks finding time between my day job, domestic responsibilities, travel, and freelance gigs to reimagine Drink the Paint Water on a new platform.

Basically, I wanted to switch from Squarespace to Shopify before it came time to renew my Squarespace subscription. To do so, I had to set myself a very aggressive deadline for the project, but it's all good.

I thrive under pressure.

If you'd like to know the specifics of why I went through the trouble of packing up and jumping ship, feel free to drop me a line and I'll give you all the deets!

👇 In the meantime, enjoy this short video check-in about it. 👇

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