How Many Times Can One Man Fail While Trying to Carve a Block of Chocolate? (Art Challenge)

How Many Times Can One Man Fail While Trying to Carve a Block of Chocolate? (Art Challenge)

Many times, what an artist envisions just doesn't translate to the final piece. In this video, watch me fumble, maim, and frustrate myself while trying to carve a chocolate rendition of an Easter Island Moai statue.

My wife's family is very competitive, to the point that even holiday get-togethers involve some sort of contest and/or gambling. Easter 2023 was no exception.

The challenge was to create a candy sculpture that must be at least 30% candy to qualify for the competition. Aside from the tray upon which my terrible entry was presented, my entire hand-carved chocolate sculpture was edible — you know, if you discount the blood, sweat, and possibly some metal shavings.

Every participant was allowed to rate each entrant from 1st to 3rd (no voting for your own sculpture). The candy concoction with the most points won the competition — with cash prizes for the first two slots!

Sadly, my labor of love came in tied for 3rd — beside my brother-in-law's diorama of a marshmallow peep strip club. Voters commented that my chocolate bust looked more like a gorilla than a Maoi, and they were not wrong.

Maybe I should have done King Kong on Skull Island instead?

But we had a lot of laughs and it was a great way to spend the weekend.

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